Distance Healing
Take control of your health, no matter where in the world you are
What is Distance Healing?
What is Distance Healing?Distance healing is any form of healing energy “sent” across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. With this type of work, you do not have to be physically present with the healer to receive the healing. It may be done over the phone or at a special time set aside and agreed upon between you and the practitioner.
This type of healing is equally effective as an in person healing because in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner.
Many prominent Scientists like Dr. Elizabeth Targ, the Mind/Body Medical Institute in Chestnut Hill, MA, Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina and the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco are all discovering remarkable results in their respective studies, showing the existence and effectiveness of distance healing. Every culture employs some form of Distance Healing or Sound Healing. Most people are familiar with the terms “prayer,” “chanting.” or “meditation.” These practices may be considered forms of Distance Healing.
Distance healing sessions are just as profound as in person sessions! There is no decline in the effectiveness of distance sessions compared to in person sessions. We connect via, skype or zoom and the whole sessions is dedicated to you with no interruptions.
Distance Healing Sessions Available
Listed below are some examples of wisdom teachings that your inherent source knowledge may tap into during a Distance Healing Sessions:
- Code to Joy
- Vibrational Medicine
- Vibrational Medicine
- Intuitive Guidance
- Theta Healing
- Radical Forgiveness work
- Shamanism
- Emotional Authenticity
- Crystal Grid healings
- Gemstone Healing Vibrational Medicine Frequency
- Angelic Healing
- Pranic Energy
- Spiritual Healing
- Music Therapy
- Qigong Energy Healing
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Oracle card readings
- Soul talk
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Distance Healing and services offered. Please feel free contact me by phone (United States – Mountain Standard Time or by email) and to read our testimonials on google or the rave reviews at www.luvlight.net
Jane 303-807-8355 jane@luvlight.net
Jay 303-524-4367 jay@luvligth.net
We can offer online herbal consultations: contact us via email or text with the condition you’d like treated, and send a picture of your tongue. After a consult, we mix up and send you an individualized herbal formula.
When you take a picture of your tongue, be sure to include your whole tongue in the image including the tip, and that it’s well-lit with as much natural light as possible.
There is no limit to the healing energy you have access to during your Herbal Consultations. The power of the universe is available to you, and your inherent source wisdom knows what you require. Please contact Luvlight www.luvlight.net
Jane 303-807-8355 jane@luvlight.net
Jay 303-524-4367 jay@luvligth.net
Virtual Acupuncture is a treatment being offered through secure, HIPAA compliant video call. During these appointments, we will discuss the patient’s health and how the patient is feeling at the time of the appointment. We will then decide how to proceed with the appointment. The different options to proceed range from doing meditation work/practice to doing distance energy work to talking about nutrition/ supplemental support to discussing herbal remedies. Depending on the time of the scheduled appointment, our patients will have the ability to possibly receive multiple treatment options.
Distance Acupuncture Sessions are offered in combination with Intuitive Healing Sessions. For the Distance Acupuncture portion, the client will lie down and Jane or Jay will intuitively scan the energy systems of the client and then place the invisible needles for healing. They will then incorporate the use of tuning forks, crystals, and/or distance healing to direct the energy to transform the imbalances and unwanted energies.
With Distance Acupuncture the focus is on transforming blocks in the energy system thereby clearing stagnation and tonifying deficiencies. Once blocks are transformed then the energy flows more freely and the body’s innate ability to heal itself is magnified.
There is no limit to the healing energy you have access to during your Distance Acupuncture Sessions. The power of the universe is available to you, and your inherent source wisdom knows what you require. Please contact Luvlight www.luvlight.net
Jane 303-807-8355 jane@luvlight.net
Jay 303-524-4367 jay@luvligth.net
Distance Sound Healing Sessions connects you to your innate source energy. This source energy is the part of you that knows all, sees all and understands why things happen the way they do. Your source energy knows what you need to fill your heart’s desires, even if your daily conscious mind does not. Sound Healing Sessions offer you’re the opportunity to tap into the love, power, and wisdom that is your “all-knowing state.”
These sessions can inspire and guide you to make the right decisions, manifest what you need, and create better outcomes in life than you ever thought possible. As a result, you are more in sync with your ability to manifest joy and reach your full potential In your Distance Sound Healing Session, we co-create your dreams, integrating your soul’s consciousness to release trauma and old negative thought patterns. As a result, participants typically experience a sense of peace and wholeness.
Distance Healing Sound Healing can encompass a vast number of healing modalities that have their roots in ancient wisdom and modern medical advances. The planetary gongs, planetary chimes, Tibetan signing bowls, crystal chakra bowls and shamanic drums, we share with you in a session harmonize and integrate your being on a soul level and cellular level. The beautiful sounds is a result of the combining of the frequency of healing sound with crystal medicine. The sound sanctuary session promotes healing within and without your body by affecting your auric field on multiple levels.
There is no limit to the healing energy you have access to during your Distance Sound Healing Sessions. The power of the universe is available to you, and your inherent source wisdom knows what you require. Please contact Luvlight www.luvlight.net
Jane 303-807-8355 jane@luvlight.net
Jay 303-524-4367 jay@luvligth.net
Here is a point-by-point overview of a Distance Healing Sound Healing Session
1. In an initial call, we communicate about any issues, concerns or questions you may have. I offer an Oracle Card reading of guided intentions to assist you in setting your intention for our session.
2. We set a time for the actual Energy Distance Healing Sound Transmission. We both focus on your intentions before the start time of your session.
3. You set aside quiet time and get comfortable. You may also choose to go about your usual daily routine. It is recommended, however, for the first few times you do a Distance Sound Healing Session that you stop normal activities and focus on the sacred time set aside for your Sound Healing Session.
4. At the conclusion of your Session, I perform the journeying and connecting portion of your Session in silence. While I work in silence, you have the opportunity to experience yourself in the “all-knowing state.”
Everyone experiences Sound Healing Energy in their way. Keep in mind that it for some people, it is natural not to feel anything at the time. Be assured that the Sound Healing Energy is still doing its job, no matter what. Be aware that you are entering into what I call the “time/space” continuum. You will be transcending the limitations of time and distance during your Distance Sound Healing Session. The experience is different for everyone. The sounds from the sound sacntuary becomes part of you. In this oneness, we co- create a space that is specific to your soul’s blueprint. Sound Healing Energy is bringing forth energies stuck in your past or projected into your future, back into your “NOW.”
You may encounter past life energy or your angels, ancestors, people who have passed over, your guides, or power animals, etc., during your Sound Healing Session. You may be aware of this, but if not, I will tell you about it in the Summary. Your mind may follow a speciifc path, if so, just go with the Now.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Distance Sound Healing. Please contact me by phone (United States – Mountain Standard Time or by email.
Jane 303-807-8355 jane@luvlight.net
Jay 303-524-4367 jay@luvligth.net
CHANGE YOUR BRAIN: Neural Pathways Theta Healing / Radical Acceptance
Accessing and using the art of acceptance as a distress tolerance skill that helps you keep trauma and pain from turing into suffering. While pain is part of life, radical acceptance allows us to keep that pain from becoming suffering. By accepting the facts of reality without responding by throwing a tantrum or with willful negligence. In other words, it is what it is.
Neural pathway reformatting is completely and totally accepting with our mind, body and spirit that we cannot currently change the present facts, even if we do not like them. By choosing to radically accept the things that are out of our control, we prevent ourselves from becoming stuck in unhappiness, bitterness, anger and sadness and we can stop suffering.
- Observe that you are questioning or fighting reality (“it shouldn’t be this way”)
- Remind yourself that the unpleasant reality is just as it is and cannot be changed (“this is what happened”)
- Remind yourself that there are causes for the reality (“this is how things happened”)
- Practice accepting with your whole self (mind, body, spirit) – Use accepting self-talk, relaxation techniques,
- Practice accepting with your whole self (mind, body, spirit) – Use accepting self-talk, relaxation techniques, mindfulness and/or imagery
- List all of the behaviors you would engage in if you did accept the facts and then engage in those behaviors as if you have already accepted the facts Imagine, in your mind’s eye, believing what you do not want to accept and rehearse in your mind what you would do if you accepted what seems unacceptable
- Attend to body sensations as you think about what you need to accept
- Allow disappointment, sadness or grief to arise within you
- Acknowledge that life can be worth living even when there is pain
- Do pros and cons if you find yourself resisting practicing acceptance
“Radical Acceptance rests on letting go of the illusion of control and a willingness to notice and accept things as they are right now, without judging” – Marsha M. Linehan
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Distance Healing. Please contact me by phone (United States – Mountain Standard Time or by email.
Jane 303-807-8355 jane@luvlight.net