Sound Healing

Sound Therapy
Everything in the universe is in a state of constant vibration. Every bone, cell, organ and tissue has a vibration and together they create a unique vibration for each individual. The body hears sound as a vibration level. Sound vibrations are the basis of all language and our true connection to the divine and the cosmos. When disease, acute or chronic pain, illness or disharmony develops within the body’s cellular matrix, people experience a disconnection with the natural rhythms and cycles. Sound vibrations can reformat our cellular memory and allows healing and change to take place from the cellular level up thru the body.
What modern science proves now about sound, vibration and matter, was very well known to ancient mystics and used by shamans and healers throughout the world. The ancients knew that words, thoughts and all sorts of sound create vibrational energy that can reach any place in the Universe and affect physical matter.
Instruments like gongs, singing bowls, and calibrated tuning forks produce strong overtones, these overtones have strong resonating properties and a powerful ability to transform. Therefore they are real magical instruments. Played with a positive intention, which is a vibrational frequency too, they become an ultimate tool for positive changes in us and our environment.
Music of the Spheres – Acutonics TM Sound Healing

“The prime objective of all initiatory music in the temples of antiquity was to bring about physical purification and renewal, mental stimulation and alertness spiritual exhilaration and illumination” ST Ambrose – (brought diatonic scale of Pythogoras to the Church 340-397 A.D.)
Jane’s passion for music and sound healing began in the 1980’s with the Grateful Dead, with whom she toured, worked on, and had the distinct pleasure of meeting the entire band. She has worked for 20 years as a personal therapist and healer for touring musicians and backstage at large music festivals, including the Outside Lands Festival, Telluride Blues and Brews, Envision Festival, The Realm Festival, and with various artists including Warren Haynes and Government Mule, The Allman Brothers Band, The Grateful Dead, North Mississippi Allstars, George Clinton and P-funk, Michael Franti and Spearhead, and many many more…
Sound is the key to the cosmology of the Earth, linking many groups, it is the carrier wave, linking the spirit world and the people of the Earth. Sound is the direct link between humanity and the dead, and it is our oldest form of healing. The musicians and the magician must become one with the healer and the connection between sound, medicine and magic. The music of the spheres, Heaven and Earth and I are one in the cultural unity – music is an essential part of life and self.
The use of harmonics, sounds, and music to aid in the healing process is found in many cultures, throughout recorded history. Music as a healing tool dates back as early as 5000 B.C., and its use was recorded in the ancient America’s, Africa, Ancient Greece, China and Rome. Pythagoras, the famous Greek healer and scholar, created a concept known as the “Music of the Spheres” in which the cosmos consisted of a series of spheres (Planets and Stars) moving at different speeds producing individual sounds. The Acutonics TM Healing system is based in these ancient teachings of the Music of the Spheres, creating a new integrated system of healing.
In the ancient mystery schools, the Music of the Spheres was the toning sequence which directly interfaces and activates the DNA template. Th Heart song is the voice of the mind and it allows us to traverse the universe. We can never disconnect from the music of the spheres as it is a integral part of our individual templates.
Everything in the universe is in a state of constant vibration. Every bone, cell, organ and tissue has a vibration and together they create a unique vibration for each individual. The body hears sound as a vibration level. Sound vibrations are the basis of all language and our true connection to the divine and the cosmos. When disease, acute or chronic pain, illness or disharmony develops within the body’s cellular matrix, people experience a disconnection with the natural rhythms and cycles. Sound vibrations can reformat our cellular memory and allow healing and change to take place from the cellular level throughout the body.
Sound and healing accelerate the transformational process and creates a new relationship with self. Vibrational healing directed into the Acupuncture channels reconnects humans with the larger cycles of the cosmos. The Traditional Chinese Medicine roots of inter-connectedness of the Heaven, Earth and Humanity are being lost to the western concept of allopathic medicine. Today it is a haunted house – the connection to spirit and universe is being lost because within the western “machine” there is no connection to the cosmos.
Acutonics TM, harmonic medicine, is a non-invasive treatment similar to acupuncture. Calibrated tuning forks are placed on acupuncture points along the meridians, where the natural harmonics resonate to deep levels, without puncturing the skin, – a great alternative for those who are needle sensitive. Application of the tuning forks sets up harmonic oscillation in a series affecting the frequency of the physical body.
Acutonics TM has been used to treat a variety of ailments including chronic and debilitating conditions, gastrointestinal, gynecological, musculoskeletal, neurological, psycho spiritual, emotional, physical, respiratory and uro-genital issues. Application of the tuning forks balances and stimulates the physical and subtle energy fields of the body to promote harmony.
Sound healing is an effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well being and better health.
Sound tools entrain the brain to move into the deeper Alpha and Theta brain wave frequencies. These are the frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind and intuition. Sound is a type of energy medicine that creates the sacred space in which people can heal from stress disorders, pain, depression, the emotional roller coaster and more.
I had the distinct pleasure of first working on the North Mississippi Allstars on April 27th 2002, in Boulder Colorado at the Boulder Theater. It was an honor to meet Jim and his boys and to give them Acutonic’s Sound Therapy treatments – 13 years later I am still the personal healing therapist for the North Mississippi Allstars.
“….It has been my fortune to know truly great men and hear the music of the spheres. May we all meet again at the end of the trail. May God bless and keep you.” James Luther Dickinson’s last words
November 15, 1941- August 15, 2009
It has been my fortune to know truly great men,
I’ve heard the music of the spheres,
I’ve heard the music of the spheres.
I am sad and I have no fear,
I’ve heard the music of the spheres.
If I had my way he’d be here today
To sit down at the piano and play,
To sit down at the piano and play.
Gong Bath

A Gong Bath: is a form of sound therapy where the gong is played in a therapeutic way to bring about healing; this can be done one on one or in group treatments. The term gong bath means that you are bathed in sound waves, there is no water involved, or clothes removed. The Sound healing practice of Gong Baths, uses vibrational sound and frequency as a tool to utilize change, emotionally, physically and spiritually, to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a profound sense of peace and well being for better health.The physical sound vibration produced by the gong provide a cellular, spiritual and emotional harmonizing effect and is a powerful vehicle for meditation & transformation. Gongs and singing bowls provide psycho-acoustic gateways to heightened states of awareness and consciousness. To greater amplify the healing effectiveness of a Gong Bath all you need to add is intention.
Sound Healing, is the educated and conscious use of sound vibration and energy to manifest envisioned goals and promote wellness in the human body – including the expansion of consciousness. Sound Healing is founded on the premise that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies. Sound frequencies can effect us on a cellular level, influence how we feel and function, and can create space for cellular reformatting, change the vibrational frequency in our DNA, and genetic codes and intergenerational pattering. Every organ, every bone, every cell in the body has its own resonant frequency. Together they make up a composite frequency like the instruments of an orchestra. When one organ in the body is out of tune it will affect the whole body. Through the principle of resonance it is possible to use sound to bring the body back into harmony.
Theta brainwave frequencies are most often where the gongs will take you. You will most likely enter a dreamlike, deep meditative state. Theta waves are defined as brainwave frequencies between 4 and 7 Hz. Theta waves occur during dreaming sleep – or REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, although they also occur during deep meditation. A few individuals might enter the Delta brainwave state (deep sleep frequency). Theta brainwave is a good state of consciousness to be in for healing to occur.
“Scientific evidence suggests that sound affects the cell structure of living beings. Gongs are energy generators with a lot of inherent power in them. They are able to affect an individual on a cellular level, even a molecular level. Gongs open up your chakras and often release a lot of blocked energy, much like acupuncture or massage can do – it really is a sound massage.”