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Mayan Medicine Modalities
A sacred journey into the indigenous ancestral lineage of the Mayans, entering the spiritual vessel where mind, body and spirit melt into one. Illuminating the spiritual path to a cellular remembering of our divine connection to all things, the sun, the spirits, the water, the land, the animals, the mother earth and thee human race. Our divine gifts we have come to share with the earth and with each other. A journey into the Mayan traditional prayers, ceremonies, pulse readings, plant spirit medicine, herbal baths and herbal remedies.
Click each item below to learn more.
Cacao Ceremonies

Cacao was the plant of the Gods, representing both fertility and life. Mayan, Aztec and Olmec Royalty ingested the cacao and used it in ceremonial God worship. Ceremonially it has been consumed to connect with the infinite presence of love. Cacao ceremonies are a joining together to open our hearts, express creativity and rejoice in the spirit of love, one heart, one love, one world, one human.
The cacao comes from Guatemala, the heart land of my Mayan teachers, a Cacao Shaman has specifically selected this for its energetic properties. The ceremony allows us to deepen our relationship with the cacao learning of its origins, history, health benefits and energetic/ spiritual qualities. Together we will celebrate a new way of melting together in our love of Cacao, when ingested in a ceremonial, ritualistic and intentional way, provides a spiritual portal moving you towards the fullest expression of who you are. A ceremonial catalysis to removing barriers in all area of your life, career, creativity, personal growth and development and relationships. Cacao will help deepen your connection to your heat , expand your capacity to love and be loved. this life. Melt into an ancient ceremony that will open your heart to new levels.
Cacao is the feel good food, and is associated with universal love. It contains active ingredients that are heart openers, creating feelings of emotional intimacy and pleasure. Contact us to see when our next ceremony is or if you would like to set up a sacred cacao ceremony.
Power Animals
Everyone has the help and protection of spirit beings often in the form of animal spirits. Power animals are usually not domesticated animals and you can have more than one. Even if a person has never heard of power animals they will have a special affinity for certain animals, or have had unusual experiences with certain animals. It is quite likely that this is their power animal trying to get their attention.
Power animals are powerful spirits that assume the form of animals — perhaps it is the easiest way for humans to see and understand them, or maybe they like the look. They are not animals and sometimes you are allowed to see their alternate forms such as a human form. Power animals are a volunteer position, a being who is offering an amazing gift of helping someone in his or her life.
Every power animals is powerful — an eagle is just as powerful as a mouse. The particular animal that you receive will have special traits that are important for your life now. Bringing your power animals into your daily experiences will enrich your life and magical connection to this amazing world we live in. It will provide you with guidance, healing, help and protection.
Plant Spirit Medicine
Since the beginning of time, when the traditional shaman-healer turned to the plant world, he turned to the spirits of the plants. It was the spirits of the plants that healed his patients. The spirits were his friends, his teachers, and his allies.
You could think of plant spirit medicine as the next level above homeopathy. Working with the Spirit of the plant to heal. Sometimes that might include taking some physical extract of the plant but often it is just getting the healing energies from the plant and delivering them to the client to generate a healing.